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How To Identify A Carpenter Ant Infestation

Like termites, carpenter ants can cause major damage to the wood within your home. While termites feeds on the cellulose material found in wood, carpenter ants burrow away at it in order to create a home within. It can take a long time for a small carpenter ant infestation to cause major damage, but the more time passes the larger the colony of ants will become. By the time you notice the problem major damage may have already occurred, but by educating yourself about the signs to look out for you can save a lot of money on repairs.

What Attracts Carpenter Ants?

Undamaged wood is too tough for carpenter ants to burrow into, but if wood has become weak from water damage it is easy for these pests to cause additional damage. Even the smallest leaks can eventually make wood soft enough for carpenter ants to cause damage, and these leaks are the first signs that you could have a problem. The most effective way of preventing a carpenter ant infestation is to take care of any water damage as soon as you notice it.

Checking under your sinks is the easiest way to spot a leak, but they can take place in harder to spot areas as well. Some of the hardest leaks to spot occur behind walls, especially in your bathrooms and kitchen. Major appliances are responsible for some of the worst major water damage found in homes, so be sure to regularly inspect your washing machine, dishwasher and refrigerator for unexplained moisture.

Carpenter Ants vs Termites

Carpenter ant infestations are frequently mistaken for termites, but there are some major differences that can make identifying your pest problem much easier. Most varieties termites can attack any wood, not just that which has been previously damaged by water. If wood-damaging pests are present but there are no signs of water damage, then carpenter ants are probably not the problem.

Identifying a carpenter ant infestation can be as simple as taking a look at the type of damage that has been done to your wood. Termites leave behind mud and rough wood, but an area that has been attacked by carpenter ants will be smooth and polished. If this is the case with the wood in your home carpenter ants are surely to blame.

Getting Rid of Carpenter Ants

Some pest infestations are very hard to remove, but getting rid of carpenter ants is an easy process. Simply fix the source of water damage within your home and replace the damaged wood, just like that your problem will be corrected. Without weak wood to build a home within, carpenter ants will have no interest in your home and will clear out in no time.

If you’ve removed damaged wood but suspect that carpenter ants are still present you may need to reach out to a licenced pest control provider. These experts will be able to identify the exact type of infestation that you have, as well as the best steps to take to remedy it. They may need to go underneath your home or take a look behind walls to find leaks that you may have missed in your initial inspection.

When selecting a pest control provider, make sure to ask if they are experienced in removing carpenter ants. Some companies are not as well-versed in water damage as others, and may not be of much help in taking care of your problem. The longer you wait to have a professional assess your problem the more damage can occur, so make sure to act quickly if you suspect a carpenter ant infestation in your home.

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